This page displays an overview of available BBCodes for channels (block and inline) and chats (inline).
This list should contain all BBCodes that are available.
Inline BBCodes can be used everywhere -- in channel descriptions and chats.
1) Bold text
2) Italic text
3) Underlined text
4) Clickable URL
You can use various different schemes. Below are some examples.
[url][/url] [url=]Check this site![/url] Check this site!
5) Colored text
[color=#F53]Text[/color] [color=green]Text[/color]
Text Text
6) Superscript
7) Subscript
Block BBCodes can only be used in channel descriptions.
Below is a continuation of BBCodes that can only be used in channel descriptions.
8) Horizontal line
9a) Image
You can also link to images uploaded to channels. Replace bold text appropriately.
9b) Clickable image
10) Font size
11) Text alignment
[left]Text[/left] [right]Text[/right] [center]Text[/center]
Text Text Text
12a) List
list= can be 1 (numbers), A (upper case), a (lower case), I (upper roman numerical), i (lower roman numerical) and no type (bulletin)
[list] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list=A] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list=a] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list=1] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list=I] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list=i] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list]
12b) Nested list
list= can be 1 (numbers), A (upper case), a (lower case), I (upper roman numerical), i (lower roman numerical) and no type (bulletin)
[list=1] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [*] List item 3 [list=A] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list=a] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list=I] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [list=i] [*] List item 1 [*] List item 2 [/list] [/list]
- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 3
- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 1
- List item 2
13) Tables
You can align table cell width with spaces.
[table] [tr] [td]Table cell 1[/td] [td]Table cell 2[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Table cell 1[/td] [td]Table cell 2[/td] [/tr] [/table]
Table cell 1 | Table cell 2 |
Table cell 1 | Table cell 2 |
That's it! If you know of any unlisted BBCodes, let an admin know in the server!